Insurance Self-Service

“Our customers are delighted with how much easier it is to manage their insurance, and on the back-end, we’re saving a fortune!”


2 - 4 weeks

Zero upfront costs

Let your customers take the wheel, and provide autonomy and control over their insurance experience.

  • Goodbye to paper
  • Policy management
  • Works with your existing processes
  • Document vault

Insurance Self-Service

Create a Digital Experience That’s Made to Exist at Your Customers’ Fingertips

Digital insurance self-serve is a revolution with one goal: smashing customer expectations. When you provide your users with the tools to get what they need, when they need it, that’s what this generation calls “above and beyond.” Think about how you feel when you rock up at the breakfast buffet and can self-serve unlimited bacon. It’s like that.

We Meet Your Unique Roadmap

We’re not trying to rewrite your strategic priorities, we know that these things need to happen at their own pace. At the same time, your customers won’t wait around. Wherever you are on the digital roadmap, we can sit alongside your existing processes, help to accelerate them, or get the customer digitized and worry about the rest later.

Become Operationally Savvy

Think about all the tasks that your account managers and agents perform for the customer all day every day, whether that’s answering queries, accessing documentation, or making changes to policies. Shazam! We just made those digital for you. What your staff do next is up to you, but we bet it’s going to add a whole load of core business value.

Help Yourself to Alex

For you to get self-serve up and running, Alex will be nothing but hands-on. His expertise is in making insurance simple, and using digital tools to make the magic happen. Except instead of rabbits out of hats - it’s happy customers.*

*Think of him for your kid’s next birthday party.

Try a Hybrid Approach to Customer Engagement

There’s a growing demand for digital self-serve, that can’t be denied. But what if your whole company culture is built on the personal touch, or your back-end processes aren’t exactly ready for the automation approach? We get it.

We’re born-digital, and we know insurance. Give us the low-down on your goals and your existing progress, and we’ll slot in exactly where you are. No matter where you are on your digital journey, we’ll fast forward your customer-facing processes to the finish line.

ManageMy provides the tools for your users to manage their own policies, access their documentation, and self-serve challenges in real-time. Pair this with digital communications, or good old traditional interactions, or smoke signals, we just want to help you to make it happen.

5 Steps - 4 Weeks - All Done!

Working with us is a breeze! ManageMy’s team of experts (and their teams!) are here to guide you through every step of the process.

Your digital experience is only a few weeks away.



Let’s document everything we need to know about your customers and products.


Here’s where we plan your customer journeys, functionality, and features.


What do you need, and because this should be fun, what do you want?


Make it your own with branding and content. (Plus a whole lot of style.)


Watch customers explore self-serve, and work out what to do with all that free time.

We are at your (self) service!

Book a one-on-one with a self-serve expert, and start planning your ideal digital insurance solution.

Go Further Than Self-serve with Our Additional Solutions