Reshaping the insurance experience for carriers, customers and agents
Too many people today are uninsured or underinsured, at potentially catastrophic cost to themselves, their families and the community. The insurance industry is stuck in a low-growth mindset. Meanwhile the service and claims experience of those who are insured is often complex, slow and unsatisfying.
About Us
At ManageMy we’re changing that story, working with the world’s most experienced and innovative insurance minds to revolutionize the insurance experience for everyone – carriers, customers and agents.
Our technology solution cuts to the heart of the challenge facing the insurance industry – outdated, legacy technologies that are expensive to run and rarely deliver the outstanding digital-first experience customers expect in everything from e-commerce to travel.
ManageMyXP is a no-code, cloud-based, SaaS platform that offers carriers the opportunity to reshape the foundational experience elements that create value for customers, distributors and insurers - Buy, Service, Claim.
About ManageMy
ManageMy was founded by a team of executives and professionals each with decades of global insurance experience. In seeking to reshape the insurance experience we have drawn upon our experience and built that into every element of the ManageMy technology solution.
Sell more insurance faster without increasing risk.
Provide intelligent and streamlined servicing throughout the lifetime of the policy.
Our Team
Executive Chairman
Stephen Collins
Gino Maccio
Chief Product Officer
Mark Moran
Head of Data Analytics and AI
Sean Rowley
EVP, Growth and Business Development
Stuart Johnston
Head of Operations
Jo-Ann Aaron
Human Capital
Heidi Crossley
SVP, Business Development
Josh Hall
SVP, Business Development
Jeff Brown
Greg Van Druten